12 lutego 2023

How to prepare a perfect birthday party for children?

When you have children you start thinking about dream and perfect birthday parties for them. You want to make it special and unforgettable not only for your own kids but also for their friends. Everyone wants to have a lot of fun at parties, especially children. There are a lot of different ways to make it as fun as possible, it is enough to organise some cool attractions and activities for kids.

We are so lucky that we have a big garden and that my children were born in warm months (May and September). Thanks to that we can organise the whole party in the garden or just prepare some activities outside.
Who has never dreamt of their own bounce house? I can tell you that even though I'm 30 I would have so much fun jumping on it! You can choose the colour and the style of a bounce house to fit it to the theme of a party or just choose the one you love the most. I love that there are so many options.

Next thing, you can prepare for kids some sorts of competitions, it is always great to rival with others. Children love competitions and challenges, they can test themselves but also they can learn to loose. Remember also about prizes, they don't have to be big, even small souvenirs for everyone would make kids happy. 
Great option of the individual comptetion would be foot darts. It is not only physical activity but also a great practice of focusing and aiming. I have never tried it but I am sure that all of the participants would be having fun so much! 

One of the best team plays could be bubble soccer! This is something that everyone should play and try. Even though it seems hard, this is really great activity for children. I feel like it is fun not only to play with others but also to bump into each other and fall down on the ground. You can be sure that nothing bad happens but children would be satisfied! 

I believe that organising parties for children may be challenging but thinking about different activities makea children happy and entertained. What do you think? Have you already organised a party for your child? Have you thought about such activifies? Let me know! 

2 komentarze:

  1. Te kule wyglądają świetnie. Chętnie bym spróbowała.

  2. Witam serdecznie ♡
    Takie dmuchane zamki to zawsze było moim marzeniem dzieciństwa :) Mieć taki na własność ^^
    Pozdrawiam cieplutko ♡


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